

During the pandemic, the use of digital platforms has increased exponentially. These have proven to be extremely useful tools for the purpose of communication, work, study and the purchase of goods and services. The main international platforms, however, solely pursue profit, whilst being indifferent as to the social and economic impact they may have on users, workers, enterprises and local communities.

If it is true that the main platforms, based on a paradigm of value extraction, have enriched themselves as a mere marketplace it is equally true that such a model fails to generate value for the local communities. The revenue resulting from this process benefits players completely uninvolved with the local community.

They are geographically distant from and do not share the values and needs of local communities.
This platform economy model is commonly defined extractive as it is concentrated exclusively on the extraction of value resulting from digital exchange. In the extractive model the community stays in the background, without ever benefiting from the generated value. Vicoo Platform offers an alternative to the extractive model, capable of redistributing value among the local communities, thereby protecting users and workers.

In order to achieve this goal Vicoo Platform can rely on experience and skills stemming from the vast cooperative ecosystem. Such an ecosystem has overtime consolidated business models founded on democratic governance and mutual exchange of value.

The cooperative model guarantees keeping users and members at the heart of enterprises, whilst being rooted in the territory.

c/o Legacoop Bologna
Viale Aldo Moro, 16 | 40127 Bologna

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P.IVA 02037781206

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